Friday 4 October 2013

Blueberry Milk

Milk is a meal in one for a toddler, a delicious snack for a school child and an enjoyment for a busy adult on the go. It’s great on it’s own, but even better when flavoured, but I’m not condoning the consumption of store-bought flavoured milks. Far from it! They are all filled with chemical additives, some of which are so dangerous to health, I’d even go as far as to say they are killers. I cannot understand how they are allowed to be added to food products, but maybe it’s a conspiracy to keep the gullible public sick and dying…. Ho hum! Go figure…

Anyhow, I have a fun, easy flavoured milk drink for you. No processed cordial from the store, no added chemicals. Just good plain fruit syrup. It’s homemade, natural, healthy, and you can feel assured that it’s okay for the kids, even if it does have sugar in it. When they are on the go, they need the energy.

What you need to do is make up the blueberry syrup, keep it in the fridge or serve immediately with your favourite milk, be it cow’s milk or some other nut milk that is your preference. So simple, and totally fresh and delicious.  

This fruit syrup can be made with other fruits such as cherries, strawberries, raspberries etc.

Ingredients: To make enough syrup to mix with a litre of milk.
2 cups blueberries, preferably fresh, but frozen will do if you can’t get fresh.
1/2 cup sugar
350ml water

In a small saucepan, heat the blueberries, sugar and water over a medium heat until the mixture comes to the boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low and allow to simmer for 10-15 minutes. The syrup will reduce and thicken slightly. Remove from the heat, strain through a fine mesh strainer, bottle and refrigerate.

To Serve:
Whisk together ¼ cup of blueberry syrup with 1 cup cold milk.

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