Sunday 26 April 2015

Sweet Dessert Pies

My son-in-law and I have a comparable sweet tooth and I so enjoy making sweet dessert pies for him to enjoy because it means I get to have some as well.... My son-in-law 's preference for dessert is something chocolate, especially chocolate cake of some kind... mine is cheesecake, but today I have a selection of pies for you to choose from saved from my other foodie blogging friends. Bon Appetit and enjoy!

Savoury Pies

These pies are not my own recipes.
They come from my blogger friends on Facebook. 
The links provided will take you to the original blogger site.

These recipes have also been shared on my Facebook page for 


Saturday 25 April 2015

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake

Today my hubby and I have a celebration... 
40 years on from the most wonderful day in my life...
 when he made me his wife. 
We are having friends around for a braai and are preparing a whole lot of delicacies. 
I couldn't decide between a cheesecake and a chocolate cake, 
so why not do a mix of both. 
This one sounds delicious!

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake 

The Recipe comes from Julie Craig of Kewaskum, Wisconsin.

Friday 24 April 2015

Chakalaka Bread

Made with a tin of chakalaka this has got to be an amazing braai bread. 
It couldn't be simpler to make and is delicious without being over spicy.

Holiday Braai Bread or Chakalaka Bread

4 Eggs
1 x 410 g tin of Mild and Spicy Chakalaka
500 g Self Raising Flour
10 ml Robertsons Mixed Herbs
10 ml Robertsons Chicken Spice

1. Beat eggs together in a mixing bowl until fluffy.
2. Stir in the Chakalaka, flour, Robertsons Mixed Herbs and Robertsons Chicken Spice, stirring with a metal spoon until ingredients are just combined.
3. Pour into a greased loaf pan and bake for 35 minutes at 180°C or until cooked through.
This bread is best when eaten warm on the same day it is made.

This recipe came from Beverley Ann Swanepoel via Bon Appetit met Rita