Thursday 5 May 2011

Warm Asparagus and Herb Mousses

If you're looking for a spectacular starter for a special meal then this is simply marvelous!

A good specimen of asparagus should be as fat as a ladies index finger; those that are thin and spindly are great for making this delicious starter and no one will be the wiser that you have used undersized scrawny asparagus, but they are bound to be wowed by your culinary proficiency.

Cook's Tip

To remove the woody ends of asparagus simply hold the spear about a third of the way down the spear below the tip and at the base of the woody end then bend the spear. It will snap where the woody base joins the soft succulent part of the spear.

To trim asparagus, use a vegetable peeler and remove only the outer hard tissue with sharp little leaves on the lower end of the spear. Always peel from the tip end to the base and try to get uniformity in look. Much of the flavour and goodness is in the skin, so you anly want to remove the outer tough layer. The succulent tip needs no paring.

75g butter
450g small asparagus spears, trimmed and woody ends removed.
3 large eggs and 2 egg yolks
10ml freshly chopped tarragon
10ml freshly chopped chives
560ml double cream
Sea salt and freshly ground balck pepper to season
2 shallots, peeled and very finely chopped
150ml dry white wine
150ml vegetable or chicken stock
Sprigs of fresh tarragon to garnish

Preheat the oven to 180c.

Melt 25g butter and grease 6 x 150ml ramekins and chill them.

Set aside 12 of the best asparagus tips, cut about 2 inches long, and roughly chop the rest.

Bring to the boil a large pan of salted water, add the chopped asparagus and simmer for 4-5 minutes or until tender. Make sure you don't boil them for too long or they will loose their colour. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon and plunge into iced water to stop the cooking and keep the colour. Drain again and transfer to a food processor with the eggs and egg yolks and blend until smooth. Sieve and stir in the chopped herbs and 450ml of the cream. Season well with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Cook the reserved asparagus tips for 1-2 minutes, drain and put to one side.

Pour the asparagus mixture into the chilled ramekins and put in a large roasting pan with enough boiling water to come half way up the sides of the ramekins. cover the whole roasting pan with tin foil and cook in the oven for 30-40 minutes, or until just set.

Melt the remaining butter in a pan, add the finely chopped shallots and cook over low heat, stirring, for about 10 minutes until soft. Add the wine and stock and bring to a simmer for 10 minutes. Add the remaining cream, season and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Just before serving, reheat the reserved asparagus tips in the prepared sauce for about 1 minute. Turn the ramekins out onto six heated plates, spoon round the sauce and decorate each mousse with a couple of asparagus tips. Garnish with tarragon sprigs.

1 comment:

  1. Pictures surely would make making your recipes much easier. They sound very good.
