Saturday 14 May 2011

Indian Rice Pudding

Rice pudding is an old favourite of so many peoples and nations, and there are as many recipes for is as there a nationalities that make it, and more. My variation of it takes inspiration from both my grandmothers, the one English and the other Dutch (Afrikaans), as well as from the Indian influences I was exposed to in Natal, South Africa. Although this recipe is made from dry rice, I often make it with left over cooked rice, reducing the amount of milk used., or just using cream, as the will takes me on the day, but this is my standard recipe for this delicious family favourite.

There is a little story, which I recall from my childhood about rice pudding. My Ouma Nelly, my Afrikaans grandmother, told us that rice pudding was a meal you ate in heaven from a silver bowl with a golden spoon. My other English gran, Granny Alice, insisted there had to be something mighty wrong with you if you didn't like rice pudding!

100g pudding rice, short grain rice or risotto rice
1 litre milk
300ml double cream
4-5 green cardamom pods (use white if you can get them, they are sweeter)
50-60ml sugar
15ml rose water
125ml sultanas
30ml sherry
2-5ml cinnamon
30g toasted slivered almonds


Place the rice in a bowl, cover with boiling water and set aside to soak for 10 minutes, after which it can be drained ready to go in the pan. Meanwhile, soak the sultanas in the sherry, warming them in the microwave for about 20 seconds just to plump them up.

Heat a heavy-based saucepan, add the drained rice, milk and double cream to which the cardamom pods and sugar have been added. Stir to bring to the boil over medium heat. Check for sweetness and add more sugar if you like. Reduce the heat and simmer for a further 20 minutes.

Add the rosewater and soaked sultanas, with their liquor, and simmer for a few minutes before serving hot, sprinkled with cinnamon and toasted slivered almond.

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